Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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6 entries this month


06:08 Apr 06 2007
Times Read: 771

I couldn't hear what Rave whispered to me when I came to the site last night, but it reminded me of that "fresh!" whisper on some commercial when they opened their bread or toilet paper, or cheese...can't recall....ha.




See, it's not in my head!

06:07 Apr 06 2007
Times Read: 772

A medicine the dr. gave me recently and made me dizzy, made me freak the fuck out and vow never to take it again, is now being taken off the shelves for giving people heart attacks. I don't like taking pills......except Xanax. I love that shit and it is a life saver. And I take Inderal for rapid heart beat. Ok, but that's it, and the Inderal does make my bp low and a few other side effects that I don't care for but is more annoying that life threatening.....like the blood sugar it lowers. Ugh....now that could be life threatening.


I knew I wasn't just being a hypochrondriac. My mom called me that a few calls ago and I disagreed. I don't make shit up. If I feel weird, it's generally because of something going on in my body. Now I admit, sometimes those weird feelings may be something regular or gas or some shit like that, but at least I can tell something is going on.

But this is the second drug that was given to me that I felt weird about and didn't want to take really but went ahead and tried it. Celebrex is the other. Heart attacks for people.

What is it about drugs killing people? What is it about the side effects being worse than the ailment it's supposed to be treating?!

Why do we have to worry about our food being tainted?

I gotta go watch Andy Griffith.....




Inner critics

05:55 Apr 06 2007
Times Read: 774

Inner critics

“We tell ourselves so many lies and half-truths ... We listen and are duly impressed by these inner voices that turn into unseen judges that nag at us. We give each of these judges a seat of honor in our minds, all the while hating their guts and their never-ending supply of judgements ... We give the judges permission to accompany us on each journey of life, never daring to realize that we can park them, at least momentarily.”

-- Eloise Ristad

“The Inner Critic makes each of us a child. As we become the child in our relationships, we lose our sense of self. We are no longer self-contained, self-respecting adults. We look to others for validation. Our self-worth is based upon their opinion of us. Thus, everyone around us becomes a mother or a father whose support and approval is desperately needed to protect us from the constant criticism of the Inner Critic.”

-- Hal and Sidra Stone




The baby seals

11:23 Apr 05 2007
Times Read: 778

To sign the petition to save the seals. Even if you have before. Please go sign this. They have a goal of 20,000 and they are at 17, 223!


The bashing of baby seals just started again for this season. Poor babies.

Let Canada government know of your disapproval of this atroscity by boycotting seafood from there. I read a letter from the people of Canada to the government and they do not want this to go on. They don't like the cruelty, nor the way it makes them look, or the money they are losing because of it. Their economy.


Cruel Seal Hunt

More than 300,000 seals are

killed for their pelts each year

in Canada; 95 percent of them

are defenseless pups just days

or weeks old. Shockingly,

a veterinary panel concluded

that up to 42 percent of seals

studied were likely skinned alive!






11:14 Apr 05 2007
Times Read: 779

They are cruel to the chickens before they kill them. I wrote KFC and told them that it is intolerable for them to treat the chickens so badly and it was cruel, and while they are indulging in that practice, I would not ever eat at their establishment, and that I would also send this information to all my friends, and post it on myspace, etc.


"You won't find my new release at your local cinema. My latest project is "Kentucky Fried Cruelty," an undercover exposé blowing the whistle on the cruel treatment of animals at KFC's factory farm and slaughterhouse suppliers. The video details just how horribly KFC treats chickens—birds are so crippled that they can't even walk, live birds are forced into tanks of scalding-hot water while completely conscious and able to feel pain, and Moorefield, West Virginia slaughterhouse workers kill birds by slamming them against the wall and stomping on them!

I'm calling on consumers to "Kick the Bucket" and boycott KFC until the company agrees to make some simple improvements in the way it treats animals, but so far the company has done nothing to address the very worst abuses that chickens suffer at its factory farm and slaughterhouse suppliers. The world's leading animal welfare experts have even weighed in, giving KFC detailed recommendations based on the latest research—but KFC has refused to listen to them. Until the company agrees to take animal welfare seriously, please sign the petition below to join me and other compassionate consumers everywhere in taking your business elsewhere.

Of course, the best thing that you can do to help animals is to stop eating them, so please consider trying a vegetarian diet—just like me. And if you don't think animal cruelty is a strong enough argument for vegetarianism you might want to at least read up on how eating meat causes impotence. Eating meat clogs up the arteries going to all the organs, not just to the heart, if you catch my drift."

On the link above:

Sign This Petition

Full Petition Text:

I pledge to boycott KFC until it stops selling birds who have had their wings and legs broken, their throats slit, and their bodies dunked into tanks of scalding-hot water while they are still alive and able to feel pain.

Signed by:

[Your name]

[Your address] E-Mail:*

First Name:*

Last Name:*

I am:*

What's this?

Under 13


22 or older

* Required Field

Oo, I want some of these!





My life, the latest

11:01 Apr 05 2007
Times Read: 781

I have been ill in the past week. Harmony too. I don't even know what we had. It was horrible. Severe abdominal cramps, tummy troubles, etc......awful. I went to the ER after 2 days of the pain but they did jack shit. Nothing. I am wondering how much they are going to charge for that shit, as we have to pay it all. =(

My brother, 2 hours away, had something similar in the past few days. Crazy. It's weird, but it seems like so many have gotten this, but it seems to be a bit different for everyone! It wasn't the flu. The longer it went on, the more I thought of it more of a virus or bacterial infection of some sort. Maybe food poisoning or salmonella. Weird...even though Harmony had it verrrrrry close, it was a tad different, and yea, it was crazy how fast it came on. One day fine, the next BAM, PAIN! Better now. But I am sooo paranoid and scared now about food because I don't know what it was that caused it. I have thought about it constantly. I was/am just petrified that the pain would come back. I could only liken it to labor pains. I was scared to eat my peanut butter (I am eating a different kind--Naturally More, it rocks! So good for you. And I have always hated peanut butter and would never eat it in the past. Low sugar, low fat, omegas in it!), could it be salmonella, thought about the chicken I had fixed not knowing if I had cooked it all the way (though I am usually pretty paranoid about that), thought even that maybe Harmony had touched something that someone at her boyfriend's had touched at Wal-Mart on a handle and not washed hands at home and then she touched or ate it...or hepatitis, IBS, I wasn't sure. So yea, paranoid now and have thought about all the food we have to trust and how we can get salmonella so easily.

I was looking at the site that reports salmonella and it lists all the times the public has gotten it. Almonds, Milk, chicken, you name it was on there. Things we don't cook, things we just eat, that can't really be washed or that we just have to trust. Makes my mind spin.

Btw, I forgot to mention, that right behind me at the hospital was another woman about my size, a bit younger maybe, having severe abdominal/stomach pains too! I didn't get a chance to ask about hers.

"I just want to celebrate another day of living! I just want to celebrate another day of life!". =) -Rare Earth

We splurge on our junk foods on the weekends generally. haha....I try to incorporate as many good foods as I can during the week and then Friday hits and it's Taco Mayo burritos baby! ha.....Snack time! =) Although by Saturday I am ready for a Healthy Choice pasta and chicken with veges meal or Lean Cuisine, or the South Beach Diet meals. There are some great ones. =)

Just read recently that bananas are great for depression as they have mucho B vitamins, as well as omega 3's. But not just any, they have to contain the EPA and the DHA's to absorb. Both of which are in the Thera Tears capsules I take for my eyes. Has flaxseed in it too. Also, I read tonight that omega 3s make you lose a bit more weight if you take them before exercise. So pop your omegas before you take your walk to the park. =)

And that is about all I will subject you to in this health bulletin. hahaha....I really should have been a nutritionist or something along those lines. You know how many health alerts and health mags I get? I was thinking tonight I should chuck 'em and don't think about it. Especially after I read about a doctor that did a colonoscopy herself when a 26 year old came in about blood in her stools and found she had colon cancer. The doc decided to do it too because she had similar symptoms and had stage III colon cancer! So I am reading that, getting anxious and thinking, "Ok, so is the universe trying to tell me something?".

So I look up colonoscopies. I found that you can now have digital ones that are just as good as the other way but none of the IV and other stuff. And cheaper. Non-invasive. How cool is that?

So anyway, how's your day? =) ha.....

Btw, Six Feet Under starts again next Monday night at 8pm on Bravo. It is such an excellent and genuine show. Well it ended last week and they showed the end one again this last Monday twice and then after, they showed the beginning one but also said it would start next Monday, so hell, dunno. It starts with the dad getting hit by a bus. I wasn't sure if you still have TV where you are, or what. But just in case, was letting you know.

Speaking of dads, I can't believe my dad's BP went down with just a diuretic. Over the weekend it was so high and then dropped! Why is anyone on BP meds then if that will work? ??? I mean, his was high.

Danny's uncle Vic brought his notice the cops put on his door about parking a car in his yard, to be moved or towed within a certain amount of time. It said something on there about the city doing this as a way of cutting back crime. ??????? HUH? They are using that as an excuse? How does keeping your car in your yard or having a certain amount of cars or bagged leaves on your porch encourage crime? That is BS.

Saw Babel. Good movie. Why would they vacation in Morocco? It looks just like Afghanistan! ????



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